#109: Sacro-Occipital Technic™ of Spinal Therapy by De Jarnette (1940) Part 1 & 2 (2 books) (Special Order – Allow 3 weeks)


Sacro-Occipital Technic of Spinal Therapy is a follow-up of the 1934 Reflex Pain book with the added benefit of teaching the reflex arc system of the organs. There is an amazing about of anatomy, neurology, and physiology provided in this book to allow the reader to develop a much greater understanding of the various pathologies they will see in the office. You will learn treatment methodologies that you can apply to practice to shorten your treatment time and improve patient outcome. 

If you want to learn more about how to treat the organ systems and become a true expert then add this book to your library. Read it twice and start helping those tough to respond patients better than you could have imagined.